East meets West Original Recipes

Welcome to East Meets West Original Recipes from both sides of the world First of all I would like to welcome you to my blog. My name is Jon and was born and bread in the United Kingdom and have had a passion for cooking for most of my life and always trying to create something new. However, my mum is originally from Malaysia, so as you can guess our styles and tastes in cooking can be quite different. All my life I've been taught how to cook both English and Chinese foods gradually learning how to combine to two. I have created this blog to teach you some of the amazing recipes I have been taught and share with you some of the fantastic combinations my mum and I have come across whilst attempting to combine East and West I hope you enjoy my site and can create some of your own ideas from it !

Thursday 4 January 2007

How to make perfect rice in less than 20minutes using a microwave

All you need :

  • A microwavable rice cooker
  • Tilda Basmati rice (for best results)
  • A microwave

The quickest and easiest way of making rice is to use a microwave rice cooker as displayed in the picture here. For best results for cooking larger amounts of rice, a rice cooker would be more sufficient.

Step 1
For best results, wash the rice by repeatedly filling the pot up with water and using your hand to mix the rice round in the water and then emptying out the water. This should be done until water is clear.

Step 2
Fill the microwave cooker with water until the level of water is roughly half an inch above the level of the rice and then put the lid on and place pot in the center of the microwave. Cook on full power for 13 MINUTES.

Step 3
Let stand in microwave for a couple of minutes then remove and check all water has been absorbed up by the rice. If there is still water present in the pot than cook for further 2-3 minutes until all water is absorbed. Once fully satisfied, use a ladle to gently 'fluff' the rice up until all rice is loose and light.

Useful tip:
For your first few attempts at making the rice I would advice you to check the rice half way through to avoid over cooking the rice as a result of insufficient water. After a while you will learn how much water is needed to cook the rice to exactly how you desire.

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